A new dimension of Metaverse advertising

2 min readMar 2, 2022


Adshares introduces 3D ads

As the next step in the development of Adshares protocol — the company has just introduced the possibility to distribute three dimensional ads and brand experiences across the Metaverse.

The company is known for their innovative approach when it comes to digital advertising on blockchain. The protocol is already integrated with Decentraland Builder and Cryptovoxels — allowing owners to create their own advertising spaces and monetise their land. It allows to distribute digital ads directly across a network of 600 publishers.

From 2D advertising to 3D brand experiences

Interactive banners are nothing new. They can expand, collect data or marketing leads, allow for interaction or even games and displaying 3D models. But it’s all still in a 2-dimensional website. You click — and get transferred to a landing page or a social media profile.

Enter Cryptovoxels — and you can see myriad of NFT’s floating, animated, clickable end engaging.

Enter Decentraland — and you may come across a flying saucer which ‘teleports’ you to a gallery where an exhibition is taking place.

As of yesterday — all these — and many more 3D models — may be automated and connected by the Adshares protocol.

The possibilities are endless

Imagine a car advertising in a form of a virtual car which a consumer can enter, interact with, customise or even drive! And works as an NFT and a banner at the same time — bought and placed just like a regular banner.

Imagine 3D apparel ads which you can try on right there where you see them — without the need for sophisticated virtual AR fitting rooms.

Imagine a land owner whose parcel becomes a pop-up space for unique branded experiences.

Whatever it might turn out to be — the technology is already there.

Stellar partnership

The first application of this new feature is already underway.

Together, the companies ae creating a brand experience in Decentraland, where visitors will be able to experience the lunar rover first hand, in 3D.




Blockchain revolution in Advertising. Web3 protocol for Ad Tech. Visit us: https://linktr.ee/Adshares